Have Quicker Access to Your WooCommerce Shop Resources – Time Saver!
This small and lightweight plugin just adds a lot WooCommerce related resources to your WordPress Toolbar / Admin Bar.
Also links to all setting/ tab pages of the plugin are added making life for shop administrators/ webmasters a lot easier. So you might just switch from the frontend of your site to ‘Payment Settings’ page or check recent ‘Orders’ etc.
As the name suggests this plugin is intended towards admins/ webmasters/ shop managers. The new admin bar entries will only be displayed if the current user has the WooCommerce capability of manage_woocommerce (a.k.a. user role “Shop Manager”). (Note: I am open for suggestions here if the default value should maybe changed to a more suitable capability. However, you can now tweak this also yourself using our new filter 🙂
Currently supporting: 27 official premium extensions // 15 free third-party extensions // 13 third-party premium themes/frameworks // 1 free third-party theme // plus all official free/premium WooCommerce themes by WooThemes!
At this time the plugin out of the box supports links to settings pages of these WooCommerce-specific extensions/plugins:
At this time the plugin out of the box supports links to settings pages of these WooCommerce-specific themes:
Credit where credit is due: This plugin here is inspired and based on the work of Remkus de Vries @defries and his original “WooThemes Admin Bar Addition” plugin.
A plugin from deckerweb.de and GenesisThemes
Enjoy using WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition? Please consider making a small donation to support the project’s continued development.
Easy plugin translation platform with GlotPress tool: Translate “WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition”…
Note: All my plugins are internationalized/ translateable by default. This is very important for all users worldwide. So please contribute your language to the plugin to make it even more useful. For translating I recommend the awesome “Codestyling Localization” plugin and for validating the “Poedit Editor”, which works fine on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Idea Behind / Philosophy: Just a little leightweight plugin for all the WooCommerce shop managers out there to make their daily shop admin life a bit easier. Integration of extensions and third-party plugins & themes was also an important goal. — I’ll try to add even more plugin/theme support if it makes some sense. So stay tuned :).
WooCommerce News Planet I also have started a little news/feed service via “FriendFeed” that you can subscribe to: http://friendfeed.com/woocommerce-news — Please contact me via my Twitter for new resources (that have an RSS feed and are WooCommerce-related!)
Special Thanks go out to my family for allowing me to do such spare time projects (aka free plugins) and supporting me in every possible way!
General Extensions
Converters/ Importers
Of course, only extensions with own settings pages (which are linkable!) could be integrated. More extensions might be added as they become available and I could get my hands on the internal parameters… :-).
All the following custom & branding stuff code can also be found as a Gist on Github: https://gist.github.com/deckerweb/2173193 (you can also add your questions/ feedback there 🙂
Add the following code to your active theme/child theme functions.php file:
/** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Add Order Status Links */ add_theme_support( 'wcaba-order-status' );
–> Links will appear under “Orders” item as sub-level links
Add the following code to your active theme/child theme functions.php file:
/** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Add Shop Pages Links */ add_theme_support( 'wcaba-shop-links' );
–> Links will appear between “Reports” and “Extensions” — also the WordPress capability edit_pages is required – because you’ll want to edit your stuff right away 🙂
This is possible since version 2.3 of the plugin! There are 4 action hooks available for hooking custom menu items in — wcaba_custom_main_items for the main section, wcaba_custom_extension_items for the exentensions section, wcaba_custom_theme_items for the theme section plus wcaba_custom_group_items for the resource group section. Here’s an example code:
add_action( 'wcaba_custom_group_items', 'wcaba_custom_additional_group_item' ); /** * WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Custom Resource Group Items * * @global mixed $wp_admin_bar */ function wcaba_custom_additional_group_item() { global $wp_admin_bar; $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array( 'parent' => 'ddw-woocommerce-wcgroup', 'id' => 'your-unique-item-id', 'title' => __( 'Custom Menu Item Name', 'your-textdomain' ), 'href' => 'http://deckerweb.de/', 'meta' => array( 'title' => __( 'Custom Menu Item Name Tooltip', 'your-textdomain' ) ) ) ); }
To achieve this add one, some or all of the following constants to your active theme/child theme’s functions.php file:
/** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove ALL Items! */ define( 'WCABA_DISPLAY', FALSE ); /** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove Extensions Items */ define( 'WCABA_EXTENSIONS_DISPLAY', FALSE ); /** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove Themes Items */ define( 'WCABA_THEMES_DISPLAY', FALSE ); /** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove Resource Items */ define( 'WCABA_RESOURCES_DISPLAY', FALSE ); /** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove German Language Items */ define( 'WCABA_DE_DISPLAY', FALSE ); /** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove Dutch Language Items */ define( 'WCABA_NL_DISPLAY', FALSE ); /** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove Spanish Language Items */ define( 'WCABA_ES_DISPLAY', FALSE ); /** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove Czech Language Items */ define( 'WCABA_CZ_DISPLAY', FALSE ); /** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove WC Debug Link */ define( 'WCABA_DEBUG_DISPLAY', FALSE ); /** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove Reports/Statistics */ define( 'WCABA_REPORTS_DISPLAY', FALSE );
–> You can also combine these with conditional if statements to customize this even more, for example:
If you want to disable the display of any “WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition” items for all user roles of “Editor” please use this code:
/** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove all items for "Editor" user role */ if ( current_user_can( 'editor' ) ) { define( 'WCABA_DISPLAY', FALSE ); }
To hide the “Extensions” section only from a user with the user ID of “2”, just use this code:
/** WooCommerce Admin Bar Addition: Remove all items for user ID 2 */ if ( 2 == get_current_user_id() ) { define( 'WCABA_EXTENSIONS_DISPLAY', FALSE ); }
All filters are listed with the filter name in bold and the below additional info, helper functions (if available) as well as usage examples.
5 Predefined helper functions:
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_capability_all’, ‘__wcaba_admin_only’ );
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_capability_all’, ‘__wcaba_role_shop_manager’ );
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_capability_all’, ‘__wcaba_role_editor’ );
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_capability_all’, ‘__wcaba_cap_manage_options’ );
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_capability_all’, ‘__wcaba_cap_install_plugins’ );
Another example:
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_capability_all’, ‘custom_wcaba_capability_all’ );
–> Changes the capability to edit_theme_options
7 Predefined helper functions for the 6 included colored icons, returning special colored icon values – the helper function always has this name: __wcaba_colornamehere_icon() this results in the following filters ready for usage:
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_icon’, ‘__wcaba_blue_icon’ );
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_icon’, ‘__wcaba_grey_icon’ );
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_icon’, ‘__wcaba_orange_icon’ );
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_icon’, ‘__wcaba_pink_icon’ );
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_icon’, ‘__wcaba_red_icon’ );
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_icon’, ‘__wcaba_teal_icon’ );
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_icon’, ‘__bptb_theme_images_icon’ );
–> Where the last helper function returns the icon file (icon-wcaba.png) found in your current theme’s/child theme’s /images/ subfolder
Another example:
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_icon’, ‘custom_wcaba_main_icon’ );
–> Uses a custom image from your active theme’s /images/ folder
–> Recommended dimensions are 16px x 16px
1 Predefined helper function:
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_icon_display’, ‘__wcaba_no_icon_display’ );
Another example:
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_icon_display’, ‘custom_wcaba_main_icon_display_class’ );
–> You then have to define CSS rules in your theme/child theme stylesheet for your own custom class .your-custom-icon-class
Example code for your theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_item’, ‘custom_wcaba_main_item’ );
Example code for your theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter( ‘wcaba_filter_main_item_tooltip’, ‘custom_wcaba_main_item_tooltip’ );
wcaba_filter_woocommerce_name and wcaba_filter_woocommerce_name_tooltip
Final note: If you don’t like to add your customizations to your theme’s functions.php file you can also add them to a functionality plugin or an mu-plugin. This way you can also use this better for Multisite environments. In general you are then more independent from theme changes etc.
All the custom & branding stuff code above can also be found as a Gist on Github: https://gist.github.com/deckerweb/2173193 (you can also add your questions/ feedback there 🙂
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Developed By
David Decker
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