ImmoToolBox Connect displays your properties from ImmoToolBox to your website made with WordPress.
This plugin offers an out of the box solution, but can also be highly customized to fit your theme and requirements.
Two Gutenberg blocks are available : “Property Listing” and “Property Search” (more to come)
PS : You need an ImmoToolBox active account to use this plugin.
When this plugin is installed, 3 pages are automatically created
This page is used to display your properties’ details.
By default only one is required but if your using a multilingual website you’ll have to create of page for each language.
This page uses the [itb_property] shortcode
This page is used to display the search results when using a search engine.
This page uses the [itb_searchresults] shortcode (this shortcode uses the same parameters as the [itb_listing] shortcode)
This page is used to display the properties added to his selection by the visitor.
This page uses the [itb_selection] shortcode (this shortcode uses the same parameters as the [itb_listing] shortcode)
You can add as many of this pages as you like. They display a paginated listing of all mathing properties which can be sorted.
You can use the “ImmoToolBox Property Listing” block to add the listing inside a page.
All the options of the listing are inside the Block Setting on the side bar.
The Property Listing shortcode is [itb_listing].
You can add it anywhere you want to add a listing inside a page.
Here are the shortcode parameters :
Filter by type :
Possible values are ‘sale’ or ‘rental’
ex: [itb_listing type="sale"]
Filter by country code :
You have to use two-letter country codes
ex: [itb_listing country="US"]
Of course you can combine this settings :
ex: [itb_listing type="rental" country="US"]
Order the results
Possible values : date, price, area
ex: [itb_listing type="sale" order="price" direction="desc"][/itb_listing]
Multi-lingual website
If your website is multi-lingual, for each language (except WordPress main language) you have to add the parameters :
– property_page_id : the ID of the “Property details page” in the right language (you have to create this page)
– selection_page_id : the ID of the “Visitor selection page” in the right language (you have to create this page)
ex: [itb_listing type="rental" country="US" property_page_id="123" selection_page_id="456"]
This shortcode enable you to display properties inside another page with a slider
8 properties for sale
ex: [itb_carousel type="sale" nbpp="8"]
Your properties marked as “selection” in ImmoToolBox
ex: [itb_carousel featured="1"]
Multi-lingual website
See “Properties listing pages” information above
You can use the “ImmoToolBox Property Seach” block to add the search engine inside a page.
All the options of the search engine are inside the Block Setting on the side bar.
The Property Search shortcode is [itb_search].
An horizontal search engine
ex: [itb_search format="horizontal"]
Multi-lingual website
If your website is multi-lingual, for each language (except WordPress main language) you have to add the parameter “searchresults_page_id”
Where the value of this parameter is the ID of a “Search results page” in the right language.
ex: [itb_search format="horizontal" searchresults_page_id="123"]
This shortcode displays the details of the specified property. The property is either specified in the URL or directly inside the tag ([itb_property id="123456"])
Property not found
It’s possible to specify a page ID to which the visitor should be redirected when the requested property is not found using the parameter notfound_page_id.
ex: [itb_property notfound_page_id="123"]
All the html content of this Gutenberg blocks and shortcodes are generated using Twig and can be totally customized.
By default the plugin will search for the files inside your theme directory (to avoid problems it’s highly recommended to use a child theme)
The files must be located in the directory :
Starting from $0 per month.
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