This add-on plugin extends sites using the immonex Kickstart base plugin by functions for automatically creating, updating, linking and integrating real estate agency and agent posts. All relevant data is collected on importing OpenImmo-XML real estate offers [2] and assigned to the associated property, agency and agent posts. Alternatively, these data records can also be created and updated manually in the WordPress backend.
Widgets for displaying agent/agency contact data and forms in property detail pages are also included, as well as ready-to-use, customizable templates for CPT archive pages and list views etc. Property related inquiry mails that are sent via the included, unified contact form contain an auto-generated OpenImmo-Feedback XML attachment usable for further processing steps, e.g. within the real estate management software that is used by the agency.
– See it in action at!
– Install immonex Kickstart first.
– Install a compatible OpenImmo import plugin [2] and import example data (both available free of charge at for testing/development).
– Read the docs for detailed usage/customization instructions.
immonex is an umbrella brand for various real estate related software solutions and services with a focus on german-speaking markets/users.
immonex Kickstart is a plugin providing essential basic components and an add-on framework for integrating imported OpenImmo-based property offers and related data in real estate websites built upon multi-purpose themes.
OpenImmo-XML is the de-facto standard for exchanging real estate data in the german-speaking countries. Here, it is supported by almost every common software solution and portal for real estate professionals (as import/export interfaces).
Plugins like immonex OpenImmo2WP [2] are used to import OpenImmo-XML data into the specific WordPress/theme/plugin data structures of the destination site.
Starting from $0 per month.
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