Integrate Facebook Login button at login page, register page and comment form of your WordPress website in minutes
1. Plugin will not work on local server. You should have an online website for the plugin to function properly.
2. If you want to integrate Facebook Comments, you should install Fancy Comments
3. If you want to integrate Social Share icons, you should install Sassy Social Share
4. If you want to integrate Windows Live Login (Microsoft Login), WordPress login, Yahoo login, Spotify login, Dribbble login, Kakao login and Github login along with the Facebook login, you should install Heateor Social Login
5. If you want to integrate social share and social commenting along with social login you should install Super Socializer
Detailed Overview:
Enables users to login to your website via their Facebook account
Rapid signup/login: When using Social network for login, users do not need to type anything (most of the users are already logged into their social accounts). It helps in boosting signup/login rate at your blog.
Profile Data: User’s profile data will be saved in your blog database. This data also includes users’ email, enabling you to communicate with them.
Spam Reduction: Because social networks authenticate individuals and generally don’t allow multiple accounts, the likelihood of false identities and spammers goes down.
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