Booking Calendar – Event Calendar

Booking Calendar – Event Calendar

Wordpress plugin

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Omnivo is here to provide a range of tools within the calendar plugin. Weather you are looking for calendar for your events or booking calendar, Omnivo is the best plugin for both cases.

After installing the plugin on your WordPress website, you should be able to create and publish your first event in just a few minutes.

What you get is a fully customizable booking calendar for displaying your company’s events and tickets.

You are able to:

  • Create events from dashboard
  • Create Event Categories
  • Customize booking calendar colors
  • Import events from Google Calendar
  • Export Booking Calendar
  • Send booking calendar confirmation to your clients

To start using booking calendar plugin you need to upload and activate the plugin in your WordPress repository. The plugin will appear on your dashboard with several sections.

For starters, go to the events section and create event categories for booking calendar.This section allows to categorize your events and provide your visitors a better experience. Also build columns for the calendar to feature the events in the selected columns of your booking calendar.

Next create event pages and add new events to booking calendar. You can add them manually from events section or import (Google Calendar) from Calendar section. For the latter you will need to add your Google calendar ID to your Booking Calendar.

To display all the events you will need to go to the calendar section, here you can all the important configurations of your booking calendar:

  • Shortcode Generator,
  • Event Post Type,
  • Email Configurations,
  • Google Calendar options,

After creating categories, columns and events go to booking calendar’s shortcode section to combine all these events in one calendar. Here you are able to work on main configurations, change colors, set booking options and add custom CSS.

Booking Calendar Shortcode Main Configurations:

  • Choose between the Booking Calendar events to display by holding the Ctrl/Command button
  • Choose the event category and hour categories
  • Select hour measure for event hours
  • Choose a filter style
  1. Dropdown List
  2. Tabs
  • Choose a filter kind and filter booking calendar’s events by:
  1. Event
  2. Event Category
  3. By Event and Event Category
  • Create Filter Label
  • Choose between 5 Event block layout types for your booking calendar
  • Choose between tyme formats or create a custom time format
  • Align the booking calendar’s text
  • Give your booking calendar an ID
  • Specify timetable row height in pixels.
  • Make your booking calendar responsive with a simple click
  • Specify if you want do display description in mobile mode
  • Change generate PDF label if needed
  • Choose between PDF fonts
  1. Lato
  2. Dejavu Sans

And many other options to hide or display some field in your booking calendar.

Change colors for a better view of booking calendar plugin. You are able to change colors of:

  • Calendar box background and hover background
  • Calendar box text and hover text
  • Calendar box hours text and hover text
  • Filter control background
  • Booking calendar row 1 and row 2 style background
  • PDF button text and button background
  • PDF button hover text and hover background
  • Booking button text and background
  • Booking button hover text and background
  • Booked button text and background
  • Unavailable button text and background
  • Booking clandar’s available Slots

Select Fonts for your booking calendar:

  • Just write Font name in the empty field for booking calendar font
  • Choose the Font size in pixels

Go to booking section to make changes on booking options.

  • Specify if the ‘Book now’ button should be displayed.
  • Specify if the ‘available slots’ information should be displayed.
  • Specify text label for ‘slot available’ information singular and plural
  • Choose a default booking view for the Booking Calendar
  1. User
  2. Guest
  • Allow/disallow guest booking option
  • Generate booking calendar’s booking and booked labels
  • Select a label for unavailable bookings
  • Select Popup booking label of the booking calendar
  • Choose popup login, continue and cancel labels
  • Allow/disallow showing the terms and conditions checkbox
  • Write a message for terms and conditions checkbox
  • Write a booking popup message for the booking calendar
  • Customize the popup message with HTML coding
  • Write a booking popup thank you message for the booking calendar in HTML

Go to Booking calendar Email configurations and specify:

  • The admin name
  • The admin email
  • The email subject
  • The message with HTML

Also you may enable or disable debug options and customize Admin SMTP settings if needed.

When you have an event bookings go to Calendar bookings section to view or export the bookings.

Besides this valuable functionalities that you get with the plugin, you will also get best plugin support and the most requested updates.


Starting from $0 per month.

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booking calendar
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