“Characters starting with #” will be tag links. 「#から始まる文字」がタグリンクになります。Like Instagram. Like note-mu. Mobile-Friendly. You can choose whether to save tags in post.
this #sampletag are displayed as a posted tag link. ↓ this <a href="tag/sampletag">#sampletag</a> are displayed as a posted tag link.
You can choose whether to save tags in post. タグを投稿に保存する/しないを選べます。
You can specify the maximum number of characters in which hash tags are recognized as tags.(the initial value is 15)(Unlimited at 0)
These are not recognized
* Characters beginning with two or more #(##example)
* HTML color codes(ex.#cccfff)
* Only numeric(ex.#123456)
You can escape beginning with minus -(-#example)
マイナスを付けると、タグにもリンクにもならず、マイナスが除去された #文字列 となります(エスケープ)
Other examples
This is Mobile-Friendly plugin.
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