Gutenify – Visual Site Builder Blocks & Site Templates.

Gutenify – Visual Site Builder Blocks & Site Templates.

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App Details

Gutenify – Visual Site Builder & Site Templates is a collection of Gutenberg Advance Fullsite Editing Blocks & site templates that is compatible with WordPress Full Site Editing to help you create the website you always wanted.
Gutenify is a free WordPress plugin which allows you to add different block effortlessly in your site. With a collection of page building WordPress blocks for the new WordPress block editor you can build your site very quickly.

🏆 Site Demos
Site Demos are pre built demo that can help setup your site within few clicks in minutes. To use our demo you will have to import our pre-build demos with few simple clicks, after that you will get set of sample pages that can be easily edited by using default WordPress editor. For more info on Site Demos, checkout our documentation

🎉 Patterns
Patterns are in built section which can be easily added on page/posts. You can also create your own patterns and add sections accordingly for future use. With the help of patterns, you can easily add pre-built sections to your page in few clicks. For more info on patterns, checkout our documentation

📚 Pattern Manager
You can manage your custom patterns in once place and reuse them whenever you want. You can save sections as pattern while you are building page/ posts and categorise them. This gives you ability to filter patterns and reuse them in other posts/ pages.

Each block from Gutenify offers many customizable flexible option to create unique looking block. Most of the blocks have customizable color options, spacing option, design, border option, margin-padding, additional CSS and much more.
With Site Demos, you will be able to import pre built demos that can setup pages in your site instantly.

💁‍ Block We Offer

We currently offer following blocks in our Free Plugins.

👉 WooCommerce Product Carousel

WooCommerce Product Carousel block allows to disply products in slider format. You can control which product to disply based on category, tags and other parameters. Also you can do customizaton on the look.

👉 WooCommerce Product List

The WooCommerce Product List block displays products in a grid layout. Based on category, tags, and other parameters, you may choose which products to display. You can also personalize the appearance.

👉 Advance Slider

Showcase beautiful slider on your homepage or any other pages using Slider Block. You can add any block as slider element so you can have almost any type of element as slider. Currently you will only be able to view the slider contents after addition in front end due to limitations of the Block Editor.

👉 Post Carousel

Post Carousel is another great option offered by Gutenify. Showcase your Posts in pretty carousel mode using Post Carousel Block. . You can add columns up to 3, filter orders like A to Z, Z to A, Newest to Oldest or Oldest to newest. Tinker with different settings to achieve unique look.

👉 Post List

Post List block gives unique looks your blog page. With Post List block you can have advance functionality in backend and frontend. You can also change design as per requirement.

👉 Icon

Want to show icon in your post/ page or anywhere? Simple add this block and choose from wide verity of icons or if you have image you can upload it.

👉 FAQs

FAQs block helps you to disply questions and answers in your website. With accordion functionality you can easily add FAQ as you need and its also very customizable.

👉 Team

Team is another useful option to introduce your team members. You can add picture, name, position and introduction of you team member and their social media links. You can edit blocks in Styles: Default, Rounded,Borders and Frame, Image Settings: Alt Text, Advanced option for Padding, Margin, HTML Anchor, Additional CSS.

👉 Maps

Maps is a very handy option, you can add your business location just by entering a location or address to drop a pin on a Google map, which will be very convenient for your visitors.

👉 Testimonials

Gutenify offers option to add testimonials in your website. Testimonials is a great marketing technique to establish trust with your products or services. Adding testimonial section helps to verify your credibility by showing that real people have had a positive experience with your business. You can share positive feedback of you customer add their photo, edit layout, image dimension, text color, background color of each section.

👉 Services

Services option in Gutenify can be used to show service you offer to your audience. You can customize this section with different settings like Icon Option, Button Options, Text Color, Background Color, Border Color, Border thickness and much more options to make it unique.

👉 Buttons

Buttons is another exiting option offered by Gutenify, using buttons you can add you own unique looking button in your page and post. Here you can find option for colors, typography, advance option like padding, margins. Customized as desired and add links to your button or add link of page or post you want to redirect.

👉 Section Title

Section Title option in Gutenify can be used to create customized section title. You will get 3 title options with many customizable features like Prefix title tag, Title Tag, Suffix Title Tag enable/disable title, color option, Advanced option like padding margin. Additionally you can add you own Additional CSS.

👉 Star Rating

Star Rating option can be used to show rating or review for certain product or service, it will make positive impact towards customers. You can add rating under testimonials too. There are many flexible options like layout, colors border, dimension, padding, block spacing, Additional CSS.

👉 Info Box

Info Box is another option offered by Gutenify, you can add any sort of information along with the picture and description. It also have many flexible customizable features like color, typography, Additional CSS.

👉 Grid

With Grid block you can display any block in grid format. You want to add icons, text, post in grid format? This block will help in very easy way.

Gutenify Pro
If you want more advance features in blocks, Premium Site Demos and Patterns then checkout our Gutenify Pro, its packed with dozens of cool features inside. With Gutenify Pro you will get:
– Unlimited Site Demos
– Unlimited Patterns
– Advance Blocks
– Advance Options
– & Many more.

Supported Themes

All blocks offered by Gutenify plugin should work with all themes that support core blocks. Our Site Demos are fully supported by all Full Site Editing themes. For best results, please use themes listed here:

Currently, following themes fully support Gutenify Plugin:

Release Notes:

Before updating plugin please check our latest release notes.


For support, go to our support page.


Starting from $0 per month.

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