GS Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

GS Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Wordpress plugin

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App Details

GS WooCommerce Variation Swatches is easy to use WooCommerce product variation swatches plugin. It offers an aesthetic and professional experience to select attributes for variation products. It turns the product variation select options fields into images, colors and labels. It means with the help of this powerful WooCommerce color or image variation swatches plugin, you can show product variation items in images, colors and labels. So, you can say goodbye to dropdown product attribute fields.

WooCommerce Variation Swatches not only offers the color, image and label attributes in the single WooCommerce product. It also enables them in products quick view. If you’re using WooCommerce themes like Flatsome that comes with default Quick View option, you don’t need to hassle to load color and image swatches for variable product attributes in quick view separately.

WooCommerce attribute variation plugin allows you beautiful tooltips on variation swatch hover. Based on your requirement you enable and disable hover from the settings.

GS WooCommerce Variation Swatches by GS Plugins

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Plugin Features

  • Completely integrate with WooCommerce plugin
  • Work on variable product only
  • Work on variable product quick view
  • Enable attributes into images swatches
  • Enable attributes into color swatches
  • Enable attributes into label/text/button swatches
  • Control attribute setting globally.
  • Create new attribute swatch in product editing page.
  • Compatible with popular themes and plugins.
  • Flexible tooltip insert and display settings
  • Settings panel available to control options.
  • Free updates for one year.
  • Auto update notification.
  • Auto update from dashboard.


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product attributes
variation swatches
woocommerce attributes
woocommerce variation

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