Groups for MemberMouse is one of the most sought after add-ons for MemberMouse, allowing you to offer memberships to businesses, schools, sports teams, and other users who need the ability to give access to your membership site to their team members.
Groups allows you to extend MemberMouse’s premium Member Management tool with the ability to sell “seats of membership” to your members. This gives your members the capability to add their own users to their own account. The beauty is that you can increase your profit by allowing your members to purchase membership with any varying amount of seats:
3 seats: $100/mo
5 seats: $120/mo
10 seats: $200/mo
This is the perfect solution for many different business models wanting to offer seats of membership:
Groups for MemberMouse REQUIRES MemberMouse in order to run.
Some features include
Thanks to the Github Community
Thank you to the Github community for contributing to the plugin’s codebase and for bringing it to the state is in today. Mintun Media decided to take ownership of the codebase and has enhanced its security, stability, and WordPress compatibility. We look forward to working with the Github and WordPress communities to add new features all while adhering to WordPress coding standards. We also encourage you to make a pull request if you see any issues or have ideas to enhance the plugin.
Shortcodes and URLs
You’ll need to add a special shortcode to your checkout page in between the [MM_Form type="checkout"] and [/MM_Form] tags. This shortcode may have a different ID than the one displayed here: [MM_Form_Field type="custom-hidden" id="1"]
You’ll want to place a shortcode on the Group Leader’s payment confirmation page, this shows them their member signup link (which they’ll use to send to the people they want to invite to your membership): [MM_Group_SignUp_Link]
Important: You can add the [MM_Group_SignUp_Link] shortcode anywhere. The Payment Confirmation page may not be the most ideal place to put this shortcode.
Group Leader Management Page
[MM_Group_Leader_Dashboard signup-link=’hide’ add-member=’show’ action-column=’hide’]
You can add the front-end Group Leader Dashboard to any page with this shortcode! This dashboard allows your Group Leaders to add members, delete members, grab their group sign up link and see all the members in their group.
Shortcode Attributes aren’t required. They default to “show”. If you want to hide them, you can set them to “hide”
Group Member View Only Listing
Displays a member list (like the Group Leader Dashboard but without admin features) for members of the group to view other members.
Starting from $0 per month.
2 reviews
Developed By
Matt Mintun
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