This plugin uses hooks append social share icons to your content.
It uses the if_single() WordPress hook to ensure only fires on all single posts or the included WooCommerce hooks.
Configured shared content:
Image = post featured Image – full url
Title = post title
Content = the first 40 words of the content
URL = the post permalink
These are the social channels currently supported by the plugin
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Pinterest
* LinkedIn
* WhatsApp
* Email
If you want to find custom icons, I recommend you check out
To use Iconmonstr SVG code
1. Search for your required icon
1. Click on the icon you like
1. Ensure SVG is selected
1. Agree to the license conditions
1. Click on Embed
1. Ensure Inline is selected
1. Highlight the displayed SVG code
1. Copy and paste the code into the relevant icon section
1. Save Changes at the bottom of the page
You can add more sharing using the following function and modifying it as required
function add_extra_icons($social_links) { $title = get_the_title(); $url = urlencode( get_permalink() ); $excerpt = wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 40 ); $thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail_url( 'full' ); $author_id=$post->post_author; $author = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name' , $author_id ); // Swap your svg code $icon = '<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M14.238 15.348c. 0 .306-.465.462-1.194.687-2.231.687l-.008-.002-.008.002c-1.036 0-1.766-.225-2.231-.688-.085-.084-.085-.221 0-.305.084-.084.222-.084.307 0 .379.377 1.008.561 1.924.561l.008.002.008-.002c.915 0 1.544-.184 1.924-.561.085-.084.223-.084.307 0zm-3.44-2.418c0-.507-.414-.919-.922-.919-.509 0-.923.412-.923.919 0 .506.414.918.923.918.508.001.922-.411.922-.918zm13.202-.93c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12s-12-5.373-12-12 5.373-12 12-12 12 5.373 12 12zm-5-.129c0-.851-.695-1.543-1.55-1.543-.417 0-.795.167-1.074.435-1.056-.695-2.485-1.137-4.066-1.194l.865-2.724 2.343.549-.003.034c0 .696.569 1.262 1.268 1.262.699 0 1.267-.566 1.267-1.262s-.568-1.262-1.267-1.262c-.537 0-.994.335-1.179.804l-2.525-.592c-.11-.027-.223.037-.257.145l-.965 3.038c-1.656.02-3.155.466-4.258 1.181-.277-.255-.644-.415-1.05-.415-.854.001-1.549.693-1.549 1.544 0 .566.311 1.056.768 1.325-.03.164-.05.331-.05.5 0 2.281 2.805 4.137 6.253 4.137s6.253-1.856 6.253-4.137c0-.16-.017-.317-.044-.472.486-.261.82-.766.82-1.353zm-4.872.141c-.509 0-.922.412-.922.919 0 .506.414.918.922.918s.922-.412.922-.918c0-.507-.413-.919-.922-.919z"/></svg>'; $extra_icons = array( '<a href="{' . $url . '}&title={' . $title . '}" class="add-share" title="' . __( 'Add this post!', 'gp-social' ) . '">' . $icon . '</a>', ); // combine the two arrays $social_links = array_merge($extra_icons, $social_links); return $social_links; } add_filter('add_social_icons', 'add_extra_icons');
You can add prefix text like this
function prefix_text($content) { $content = 'Social Share This'; return $content; } add_filter( 'add_social_prefix', 'prefix_text' );
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