Login for Google Apps allows existing WordPress user accounts to login to your website using Google to securely authenticate their account. This means that if they are already logged into Gmail for example, they can simply click their way through the WordPress login screen – no username or password is explicitly required!
Login for Google Apps uses the latest secure OAuth2 authentication recommended by Google, including 2-factor Auth if enabled for your Google Workspace (formerly known as Google Apps and G Suite) accounts.
This is far simpler to configure than the older SAML protocol.
Login for Google Apps is trusted by thousands of organizations from schools to large public companies. Login for Google Apps for WordPress is the most popular enterprise grade plugin enabling login and user management based on your Google Workspace domain.
Its plugin setup requires you to have admin access to any Google Workspace domain, or a regular Gmail account, to register and obtain two simple codes from Google.
Full support and premium features are also available for purchase:
Eliminate the need for Google Workspace (previous called Google Apps and G Suite) domain admins to separately manage WordPress user accounts, and get peace of mind only authorized employees have access to your organizations’s websites and intranet.
See our website at wp-glogin.com for more details.
The Premium version allows everyone in your Google Workspace (Google Apps / G Suite) domain to login to WordPress – an account will be automatically created in WordPress if one doesn’t already exist.
Our Enterprise version goes further, allowing you to specify granular access and role controls based on Google Group or Organizational Unit membership.
You can also see logs of accounts created and roles changed by the plugin.
Login for Google Apps allows you to centralize your site’s Google functionality and build your own extensions, or use third-party extensions, which require no configuration themselves and share the same user authentication and permissions that users already allowed for Login for Google Apps itself.
Using our platform, your website appears to Google accounts as one unified ‘web application’, making it more secure and easier to manage.
Google Drive Embedder is an extension plugin allowing
users to browse for Google Drive documents to embed directly in their posts or pages.
Google Apps Directory is an extension plugin allowing
logged-in users to search your Google Apps employee directory from a widget on your intranet or client site.
Google Profile Avatars
is available on our website. It displays users’ Google profile photos in place of their avatars throughout your site.
Login for Google Apps works on single or multisite WordPress websites or private intranets.
One-click login will work for the following domains and user accounts:
Login for Google Apps uses the latest secure OAuth2 authentication recommended by Google. Other 3rd party authentication plugins may allow you to use your Google username and password to login, but they do not do this securely unless they also use OAuth2. This is discussed further in the FAQ.
This plugin currently operates in the following languages:
We welcome volunteers to translate into their own language. If you would like to contribute a translation, please click Translate under Contributors & Developers below.
Please see our website https://wp-glogin.com/ for more information about this free plugin and extra features available in our Premium and Enterprise upgrades, plus support details, other plugins, and useful guides for admins of WordPress sites and Google Apps.
The Premium and Enterprise versions eliminate the need to manage user accounts in your WordPress site – everything is synced from Google Apps instead.
If you are building your organization’s intranet on WordPress, try out our All-In-One Intranet plugin.
Starting from $0 per month.
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