You should know that, a lot of WordPress plugins developers forget performance when creating plugins. This means that a lot of them load self scripts/styles on every single post and or page of your site. This is not good, because it slows your site down.
That’s why we created the WP Asset manager, with it, you can choose which scripts and styles should be loaded on the page, and which ones do not. One example of this would be with the Contact Form 7 plugin. With two clicks you can disable it everywhere except for on your contact page.
Decreases number of HTTP requests loaded (important for faster load)
Reduces the HTML code of the actual page (that’s even better if GZIP compression is enabled)
Makes source code easier to scan in case you’re a developer and want to search for something
Remove possible conflicts between plugins/theme (e.g. 2 JavaScript files that are loading from different plugins and they interfere one with another)
Better performance score if you test your URL on websites such as GTmetrix, PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Website Speed Test
Google will love your website more as it would be faster and fast page load is nowadays a factor in search ranking
Your server access log files (e.g the Apache ones) will be easier to scan and would take less space on your server
We used some useful functions from plugins Asset Queue Manager, WP Asset CleanUp (Page Speed Optimizer), Clearfy – disable unused features, wp disable, Disabler, Admin Tweaks
If you want to help with the translation, please contact me through this site or through the contacts inside the plugin.
We invite you to check out a few other related free plugins that our team has also produced that you may find especially useful:
Starting from $0 per month.
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Common Ninja Apps
Browse our extensive collection of compatible plugins, and easily embed them on any website, blog, online store, e-commerce platform, or site builder.
Present Information in an Organized, Visually Appealing Manner
Enhance Sites & User Experience With an Animated Number Counter
Engage Visitors, Capture Leads, Boost Conversions Effortlessly
Create Stunning Blogger Feeds & Improve User Experience
Increase Engagement and Conversions With Interactive Image Hotspots
Boost Engagement and Draw Attention with a Floating Corner Pop-up
Use Opening Hours To Boost User Experience With Helpful Details
Enhance Global Shopping Experience with Currency Converter
Showcase and manage reviews from multiple sources easily with All in One Reviews.
Transform Your Content with Interactive Diagrams and Flow Charts
Simplify the Subscription Process To Boost Engagement & Conversions
Improve visibility & Increase attendance with the Events List Widget
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The Common Ninja Search Engine platform helps website builders find the best site widgets, apps, plugins, tools, add-ons, and extensions! Compatible with all major website building platforms - big or small - and updated regularly, our Search Engine tool provides you with the business tools your site needs!