The simplicity is the key of the ‘Backup Database’ WordPress Plugin. The ‘Backup Database’ is the best WordPress Backup Plugin.
You can Backup and Migrate your WordPress website or blog. You can Backup your files, database or both.
Download FNY Backup Database PRO here: backup-database-pro
There are three different migration scenarios:
The ‘Backup Database’ PRO helps you migrate in all of these cases in the smoothest possible way. You just have to Backup your site and Restore it in the new location.
Restoring process will be implemented manually.
The issues that users always deal with are: wrong site url, images don’t load, dashboard not accessible, permalink doesn’t work and more.
The ‘Backup Database’ PRO will help you skip all these problems, because of its advanced refactoring and migrating engine.
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Starting from $0 per month.
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Common Ninja Apps
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