WordPress Firebase Authentication Plugin allows you to login to WordPress sites using your Firebase user login credentials or via Social Login.
WordPress Firebase Authentication works using the default WordPress login page. We support Firebase WooCommerce Integration and other third-party login pages along with custom login forms.
Auto Create Users : After login using Firebase login credentials, new user automatically gets created in WordPress
Configurable login options :
Provide option to login with,
a) Only Firebase credentials
b) Only WordPress credentials
c) Both Firebase and WordPress credentials
Auto Register WooCommerce Users to Firebase : Provide an option to sync a WordPress user to Firebase whenever an end-user registers into the WordPress site via the WooCommerce registration form. User is created in Firebase with only an email address and password.
Support for Firebase Phone Authentication method : Users will be asked to enter OTP provided via Firebase to login into WordPress (Passwordless login). This works for WooCommerce as well.
Support for Firebase Social Login : With Firebase authentication, users will be provided an option to login in to WordPress using selected social login providers
Providers supported are:
Firebase WooCommerce Integration : Integrate WooCommerce with the WordPress Firebase Authentication plugin and allow users to log in to your WooCommerce site using firebase login credentials on WooCommerce Checkout and My account page.
Support for Social Login buttons Shortcode : Use a shortcode to place Firebase social login buttons anywhere in your Theme or Plugin
Sync Firebase UID to WordPress : Users can map email, Firebase user-id to their WordPress user profile using this WordPress Firebase Authentication feature.
Custom Redirect Login and Logout URL : Automatically Redirect users after successful login/logout. This works for WooCommerce as well.
Support for Firebase Login and Registration form Shortcode : Using login form shortcode, users can enter their Firebase credentials to login into the WP site, and using the registration form shortcode, users can register into the WordPress site, and that user is also auto created in Firebase with an email address and password.
WP Hooks for Different Events : WordPress Firebase authentication provides support for different hooks for user defined functions.
WordPress login with Firebase JWT: WordPress login with Firebase JWT allows you to create a user login session on a WordPress site using their Firebase JWT token, eliminating the need to enter their login credentials again. This is highly recommended when there are multiple websites/applications and the user is already logged in to any of them.
Starting from $0 per month.
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