WordPress Filter, WooCommerce Product Filtering by Categories, Tags, Price Range Plugin , Woocommerce admin order filter – Filter Plus

WordPress Filter, WooCommerce Product Filtering by Categories, Tags, Price Range Plugin , Woocommerce admin order filter – Filter Plus

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App Details

Filter Plus is a WordPress and Woocommerce Product Filter Plugin that allows users to add multiple filtering features like Filter Woocommerce Products by Categories,Ratings,Tags,Price Range,Stock Status etc.

Filter Plus Pro Features

WordPress Filter Helps you to filter blogs, custom post type by Categories, Tags, Author, Post Meta, Custom Fields and so on.You can Filter Everything in WordPress.

Woocommerce Admin Order Filter helps Store Owner analyze which is the best-selling burger in your store by filtering orders by products and order status. With these analytics, you can easily filter out where you have to emphasize for increased sales.

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⭐️ Check Live Demo 👉 Filter Plus WooCommerce Admin Order Filter
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📌 [Before writing any review, Please be aware that, Filter Plus is still in its initial stage]

Use of Filter Plus Plugin

  • Filter Plugin
  • Filter Products WordPress Plugin
  • Food Menu Filtering
  • WooCommerce Product Filtering
  • WooCommerce Filter By Price
  • Filter By Price Range
  • Filter By Ratings
  • Filter By Tag
  • AJAX Product Filter
  • Filter By Stock Status
  • Multiple Templates – PRO
  • Use for blogs, reviews sites, news sites, property sites and more – PRO
  • WordPress Blog Filter – PRO
  • WordPress Custom Post Type Filter – PRO
  • Search WordPress Post,Custom Post by Custom Fields, Post Meta, Authors, Post Types, Post Dates, Taxonomies, Tags, Categories – PRO
  • WooCommerce Admin Order Filter by Product, Status – PRO
  • SEO Optimization – PRO

Current Feature

You can add advanced filtering features with Filter Plus WooCommerce plugin. The following features available at this time for your WooCommerce Filter and Shorting option.

👉 WooCommerce Filter By Price – It enables users to narrow down search results by specifying a minimum and maximum price. This is particularly useful in eCommerce website, as it simplifies the process of finding products within a specific budget. It enhances user experience and can boost conversion rates by helping visitors discover cost-effective options.

👉 Filter by Ratings – It empowers users to refine search results based on the ratings or reviews of products or content. In e-commerce or review-based websites, this feature is valuable as it allows visitors to filter and see only items that meet their preferred quality standards. Users can typically set a minimum rating, and the plugin will display content or products with ratings equal to or above that threshold.

👉 Filter by Attributes – It offers users the ability to fine-tune their search results by specifying particular product attributes or characteristics. This is commonly used in e-commerce websites where products have various specifications. Users can select attributes like color, size, material, or any other relevant feature, and the plugin will display products that match these chosen attributes.

👉 WooComerce Filter by Tags – The feature allows users to categorize and organize content based on tags. Tags are keywords or labels associated with posts or items, and this feature enables users to filter and display content that shares the same tags. It’s commonly used in blogs and content-heavy websites, helping users find related articles, posts, or items quickly. Users can select a specific tag, and the plugin will show content that has been tagged with that keyword.

Moreover, Filter Tag will be displayed on the page after applying it. Users can see what tags has been effected on the page.

👉 Reset Filter Button – It is a handy feature often integrated into filter and search functionalities. It provides users with a quick and convenient way to clear any applied filters or search criteria and revert to the default view. By clicking this button, users can reset their search results to the original state, displaying all available content or products without any filters in place.

👉 Filter by Categories – The feature allows users to sort and display content or products based on predefined categories. Categories are a way to group similar content or items, and this feature enables visitors to focus on specific topics or types of products. Users can select a category from a list, and the plugin will then show only content or products that belong to that chosen category.

👉 Filter by Color – It allows users to refine product search results based on color preferences. This feature is particularly valuable in e-commerce and design-related websites where the color of products or items plays a significant role. Users can choose a specific color from a palette or a list, and the plugin will display only products available in that selected color.

👉 Filter by Size – The feature enables users to narrow down product search results based on size preferences. It’s a commonly used feature in e-commerce websites, particularly for apparel and accessories. Users can select a specific size (e.g., small, medium, large) or measurements (e.g., dimensions) to filter and display only products available in that particular size.

👉 Filter Anything – The feature allows users to filter and refine search results based on a wide range of criteria or attributes. This can include any specific parameters, such as price, color, size, category, tags, ratings, and more, depending on the website’s content or products. The “Filter Anything” feature provides users with the flexibility to tailor their search to their specific needs and preferences, making it a powerful tool for improving the user experience on websites with diverse content offerings. It enhances usability and engagement by ensuring that visitors can find exactly what they’re looking for within the website’s content or product catalog.

⭐️ WooComerce Filter Elementor Widget – The latest release bring Elementor widgets for adding filtering fnctionality on your WordPress and WooCommerce site. So now you can use filter plus more easily in your Elementor based website.

⭐️ WooComerce Filter Gutenberg Block – Gutenberg blocks for filter options also available now. You can add filter by price, tags and similar feature from block section while editing the page.

👉 WPML Compatible – Filter Plus is now WPML compatible. So, you can use this plugin in translatable website. If you have a website in local language, still you can use Filter Plus WordPress Filter Plugin. If you use WPML in your site, you are now good to use Filter Plus on the site.

👉 RTL Support – If you have any WordPress site that has right to left language, you can use the plugin. Filter Plus is now RTL compatible plugin.

👉 Nice URL for Filter Page – Once the users update the filter criteria, the site will have a SEO friendly new URL.

👉 Filter by Product – Visitors can add filter based on the products. So, if any store have same products under different category, offers and value, users can see all of them in same page. This features helps growing sales for multivendor eCommerce website.

👉 Filter by Order Status – Visitors can add filter based on the order status.

👉 Filter by Product in Woo Order Page – With Filter Plus, you can enable filtering option on the WooCommerce order page.

👉 SEO Options Filter Plus SEO option helps the store owner to submit SEO information to the search engine. We did the technical part so admin can just select and see the SEO boost on the store.

More features are on the way!

Filter Plus is the ultimate plugin for WordPress and WooCommerce product filtering. Allow the users to filter and shortlist the products in the store easily and effortlessly.


If you like Filter Plus, then consider checking out other WordPress Plugins made by the same team:

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woocommerce product filter

Developed By

Farzana Akter Nitu

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