Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Stores

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Stores

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Variation Swatches for WooCommerce plugin enables you to convert default WooCommerce product attribute dropdown into a stylish swatches. This plugin enables you to display product variants (like color, size, texture, etc.) in a stylish way to help customers to choose their preferred variant quickly and easily.

This plugin is easy to use and manage. Bye bye to complicated setups and settings. Just install the plugin and all of your product variation will turn into beautiful and eye catching swatches.

Unlike other plugins, this plugin will also work on shop or archive page also without any extra efforts.

Variation Swatches plugin offers 4 types of display of variation namely color, image, button/label, and radio.

Swatches plugin offers differnt shapes like Square, Circle, or rounded. Plugin also offers beautiful interactive tooltip to provide more information to customer.

Variation Swatches for woocommerce plugin comes with tons of admin settings to change the styles and behavior of swatches.

Variation swatches plugin changes your store’s product details and shop page into a stylish and eye catching page and enhances your customer’s engagement.

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Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Plugin Features

👉 Show/hide Swatches on shop/archive and category pages
Enable/disable Variation Swatches on archive/shop/category pages easily using admin.

👉 Supports 4 Different Swatch Types
Variation Swatches plugin supports for type of swatches
1. Image
2. Color
3. Label/Button
4. Radio

👉 Converts attributes into swatches
Plugin can automatically converts default woocommerce variation dropdowns into variation swatches instantly with a single click if you want to convert all variations drop-downs altogether.

👉 Swatch Shape Style
Plugin supports three types of shape style for swatches
1. Square.
2. Circle.
3. Rounded

👉 Clear selection on reselecting variation
Clear selection on clicking the selected swatch.

👉 Choose Selected Variation Style
The variation swatches plugin lets you highlight the selected swatch with a checkmark. You can customize the checkmark with specific color of your choice and size.

👉 Change style of of unavailable and out-of-stock variants
Customize unavailable or out-of-stock variations. Choose any of three below styles.
1. Blur with a cross.
2. Blur without cross.
3. Hide.

👉 Swatches for Product’s Custom Attributes
Swatches will also work for product’s custom attribute in the same way as variation attributes. Same styles and options available for custom attribute too like variation attribute.

👉 Tooltip for Variation Swatches
Swatches comes with handy tooltip which can be enabled/disabled through admin with one click. In free version it will display term name or custom text on text. Premium version comes with image in tooltip option.

👉 Tooltip Styling
Variation swatches comes with admin settings which you can use to style your tooltip. You can change background color and tooltip text color.

👉 Display Selected Variation Name
Variation Swatches displays selected variation name besides the attribute label.

👉 Display Default Selected Variation
Default Selection of variation can be enabled/disabled through admin easily.

👉 Swatches Size
The plugin provides you option to change swatches shape size and font size for both shop/archive and product pages.

👉 Customize Design & Style of Swatches
The plugin allows you to change design and styles of swatches. You can change background color, border color, text color, and styling on hover etc with just simply using admin options. Plugin allows you to choose different style for image/color swath type, label/button swatch type, and radio button swatch type.

👉 Custom CSS
This plugin also provides you option to write your custom css right in the plugin settings page if you or your developer ever wanted to use some custom css for this plugin. No need to install more plugin for this. This is inbuilt feature in this plugin.

👉 Set AJAX Variation Threshold
Variation swatches for wooCommerce plugin allows you to set the Ajax variation threshold value. So, based on this threshold value, the product availability check can be done through Ajax method or JavaScript.

👉 More Features

  • Plugin Built following wordpress coding standard.
  • Plugin supports debug mode if require by the developer.
  • Compatible with almost all popular quick view plugins.
  • Compatible with all popular themes & plugins.
  • Prompt & Free Support.
  • Allows user to write Custom CSS right in the admin settings.
  • Regular update to make your store up-to-date.

Premium Features

Premium version of the Variation Swatches for WooCommerce provides all free version features plus more advanced features to customize the settings and behavior, which further enhances the user experience.

👉 Display variation swatches on filter widget on layered nav
Premium version supports filer widget on layered navigation. Display of swatches on filter widget can be selected horizontally or vertically.

👉 Convert variation dropdown to images
Premium version offers option to convert default variation dropdown to images with just single click. In saves tons of time of the site owner.

👉 Make out of stock variation clickable
Premium version allows admin to decide whether he wants to enable out of stock items to be clickable or not.

👉 Make out of stock item disabled/unavailable
Premium version of product variation swatches also allows admin to decide whether he wants to make out of stock item to behave as disabled in wooCommerce store. This is very helpful to
prevent your customer to get frustrated because of selecting out of stock items and redoing the process again.

👉 Display Stock Left alert
Premium plugin also allows to display stock left alert if stock becomes low in stock.

👉 Display Stock Left alert
Premium version allows admin to set qty so that stock left alert can be triggered based on this qty.

👉 Generate Variation Url link
Premium version allows admin to enable/disable generating sharable url link based on the attribute selected. This is very helpful if you want to promote product with specific variation.

👉 Variation Stock Info on Product Page
Premium version also allows admin to enable/disable displaying stock left label or out of stock label on product page only while keeping this feature on/off on archive page.

👉 Variation Stock Info Shop/Archive Page
Premium version also allows admin to enable/disable displaying stock left label or out of stock label on shop/archive page only while keeping this feature on/off on product page.

👉 Selected Variation Label on Shop/Archive Page
Using premium version you can display selected variation label near the term title on shop/archive page also.

👉 Default Variation Selection on Shop/Archive Page
Premium version supports default selection set in the product setting for shop/archive page also.

👉 Display Limit for Showing Variation Swatches on Shop/Archive Page
Premium version allows store owner to limit the display of swatches on shop/archive page.

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Starting from $0 per month.

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variation swatches
woocommerce attributes
woocommerce variations

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