Embed our due date calculator to enrich your pregnancy and fertility content. The due date calculator estimates the date a baby is due to be born by using the date of the first day of the woman’s last period and her average menstrual cycle length to calculate the estimated date of the baby’s birth. Currently, our tool only works for WordPress, but this plugin will be available on other platforms shortly.
If a woman is pregnant, then a due date calculator will estimate the date when her baby is likely to be born. It asks her for the date she started her last period and her average cycle length and uses this information to estimate the day she ovulated. Since she can only become pregnant within 24 hours of ovulation due to the short lifespan of the egg if not fertilised by a sperm, the day of ovulation is an excellent predictor of the day conception took place, and from there, the calculator can approximate the likely date her baby is due.
When she clicks “calculate” she’ll see a date given in the results box. This is just an estimate, as everyone knows that not all babies arrive on their predicted due date!
The Due Date Calculator can only give women an estimate of their baby’s due date. It is advised to always see a healthcare provider for more information about a pregnancy.
This tool is provided by Clearblue.
Starting from $0 per month.
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