Chat Everywhere allows you to make any element in your website be able to open a WhatsApp or a Telegram chat just adding a class to it. Using Chat Everywhere you’ll be able to build a rich contact page adding two popular chat apps to your contact options.
There are already a few of great plugins which allows you to put a floating button in your website to allow your visitors to contact you through WhatsApp or Telegram and they offers a lot of customization, but sometimes it happened to me to find useful to use a simple, normal button to open a chat or a menu item or even a normal textual link. So I decided to develop this really simple but useful (to me) plugin and to share it with the WordPress community, hoping it could help someone else 🙂
In the settings page you can:
- optionally choose a class name which will be used by the plugin to open a chat handling the onclick event. For Whatsapp the default name of this class will be whatsapp_everywhere, for Telegram... telegram_everywhere :) - For WhatsApp you'll have to set the phone number, for Telegram you'll have to specify the Telegram username - For WhatsApp you can optionally set a short text your website's visitors will can use to start the chat (by default it is empty)
The last thing you have to do is to add the chosen class to any element you want open a chat: it could be a menu item, a button, a textual link, an image, anything… The way you have to do this depends on the way you build your pages
That’s all. Have a good chat!
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