Print on Demand Greeting Cards, Create & Sell Your Own Designs or list 7000+ Ready to Go Designs
Cardzware’s easy-to-install App enables online retailers to sell personalized greeting cards to their customers. Enable over 7000 Designs on your store in minutes or create and upload your own designs. Brands, Designers, and Artists can effortlessly bring their creative ideas to life by uploading and selling their own greeting card designs. Our platform makes it easy to upload your designs into organized categories and allows you to enable or disable any of the existing Cardzware designs.
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If you want to see how it works, go to our demo store and try it out:
Starting from $0 per month.
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Vidasoft Developments SL
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Common Ninja Apps
Browse our extensive collection of compatible plugins, and easily embed them on any website, blog, online store, e-commerce platform, or site builder.
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Create and Manage Your Online Course Catalog Effortlessly
Showcase and manage reviews from multiple sources easily with All in One Reviews.
Build Fun and Custom Leaderboards to Boost Competition
Increase Engagement & Improve the Promotion of Your Content
Create Engaging, Customizable Popups with Ease and Style
Enrich Content & Increase User Engagement With a Social Votes App
Showcase Employee Feedback with Glassdoor Reviews Widget
Eye-Catching Multi-Rows Image Slides
Draw Attention to CTAs & Increase Conversions
Add Audio Player to Enrich & Promote Your Website Content
Engage Visitors, Capture Leads, Boost Conversions Effortlessly
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The Common Ninja Search Engine platform helps website builders find the best site widgets, apps, plugins, tools, add-ons, and extensions! Compatible with all major website building platforms - big or small - and updated regularly, our Search Engine tool provides you with the business tools your site needs!