Bpost Shipping Manager is a service offered by bpost, allowing your customer to choose their preferred delivery method when ordering in your Woocommerce webshop.
The following delivery methods are currently supported:
The plugin offers following advantages:
Real time interfacing with your bpost shipping manager account means that your shop orders are automatically added to the bpost portal.
No more hassle and 100% transparent!
Get more informations on bpost Shipping Manager
You need a bpost Shipping Manager active account.
More info to suscribe this service here: http://www.bpost.be/site/fr/business/send_post/parcels/shippingmanager.html
Please be sure you defined a valid default sender address in the Shipping Manager backend; as well as prices for each weight range, for each shipping method.
Check also the other Shipping Manager backend prerequisites detailed in https://bpost.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/4000070401-prerequisites-configuration-default-sender-address-and-price-range-configuration
For any other question, do not hesitate to access bpost online support pages at https://bpost.freshdesk.com/solution/folders/4000015009
Based on the bpost Shipping Manager account settings :
Usage notice
bpost shipping is not allowed and will display an error message:
bpost shipping supports:
bpost shipping does NOT take into account the Woocommerce “shipping classes”, nor the VAT/taxes configured to apply on the shipping costs.
Indeed: shipping costs are always “VAT 21% inclusive” in bpost Shipping Manager backend.
bpost shipping costs depending on the parcels weight are managed through the values defined in bpost Shipping Manager backend, and all prices are (belgian) taxes included.
bpost shipping plugin is compatible with Woocommerce as from 2.4.8
bpost shipping plugin requires PHP 7.2 or higher
bpost shipping plugin has been tested and is compatible with the following extensions:
Starting from $0 per month.
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