Unique ‑ Anti Theft A.I

Unique ‑ Anti Theft A.I

Shopify app

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App Details

Why should you protect your creative content?

Growing a brand is great and make a branded photoshoots and make your landing page convert better. The problem is while you're posting the pictures, your competitors can take the pictures and take part of the market while they are growing too.

Most of the stores focus on their growth and on bigger brands to grow faster; but the biggest competitor can grow by taking advantage of the original store’s creative content.

With Unique App, protect every brand and prevent creative content violation.

Why Unique?

Unique is a simple yet powerful app that uses high-technology AI for protecting your private content. It allows you to focus on your growth in the business and not on all the competitors that can take advantage of your creative content and take part of the market.

Key features of the app:

  1. Detect personal content copyright violations (images dedicated) all over the internet.
  2. Create a full report to the content owner related to the detection incidents with full violator information.
  3. Perform automatic DMCA report to the platforms used by violators in order to remove the stolen content. (Shopify, Amazon and etc)
  4. Send automated email warnings and requests to remove the stolen content.

User options inside the App:

  • See detailed and summarized information related to the detection events, actions performed and current status.
  • Option to edit and create your own warning email for automatic removal requests.
  • Option to manually perform a DMCA report by one click
  • Option to choose automated reports methods (DMCA // Warning Emails)
  • Option to whitelist any domain or URL if those are confirmed to use the content.

How it Works?

Using powerful search engines and a powerful AI code working in the background, we are searching for similar pictures all over the Internet, analyzing all the information, and performing multiple checks on the images (such as similar images, duplicated images, partly used images (blurred, logo added, cut image etc..) after the information is gathered, the AI is analyzing all the plagiarize options and returns a verdict. Which is later, returned to the client for further actions (DMCA report/ send warning emails)


Starting from $0 to $20 per month.

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