Syncr ‑ Etsy Auto Stock Syncer

Syncr ‑ Etsy Auto Stock Syncer

Shopify app

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Syncr keeps your Etsy & Shopify shops in sync by automatically detecting and syncing stock level changes and newly created products.

Regardless of how many products you have, Syncr will maintain an almost real-time stock syncing - whether it's stock levels made from orders, manual edits, or newly added products.

What can Syncr do?

  • DID YOU SELL A PRODUCT? Syncr will detect the stock change and make sure both shops are synced.
  • DID ONE OF YOUR PRODUCTS SELL OUT? If sold-out in Shopify, Syncr will deactivate the product in Etsy. If sold out in Etsy, Syncr will mark it as sold-out in Shopify.
  • ADDED A NEW PRODUCT? Syncr will automatically transfer the product to the shop its missing on, with variations, images, tags, etc.
  • DID YOU RECEIVE NEW STOCK? You can update Etsy, Shopify, or Syncr. Wherever you update, Syncr will make sure to update all stock levels.
  • WERE STOCK LEVELS UPDATED IN ETSY OR SHOPIFY? Syncr will detect the changes and sync them to the shop where the updates were not made.
  • REMOVED A PRODUCT FROM ETSY OR SHOPIFY? Syncr will deactivate the product in the other shop (optional).
  • UPDATED A SKU IN ETSY OR SHOPIFY? Syncr will update the SKU in the other shop to make sure they match.

Updates are made in almost real time (up to 30 seconds, usually quicker) since an order is made / stock level updated / new product created.

Also, Syncr will never:

  • Cause additional fees in Etsy (such as renewal fees).
  • Delete a listing or variation from Etsy or Shopify (will either change to "draft" in Shopify, or "inactive" in Etsy).


  • Shopify and Etsy shops are required, with active listings.
  • Your Etsy and Shopify listings have to share the same SKUs. Syncr will not sync products without SKUs.
  • That’s it :)

How to Use Syncr

Settings up Syncr takes a few clicks and several minutes. Once Syncr is set up, it will start monitoring your Shops for stock changes, and make sure they are in Sync. You can turn Syncr on/off with a single click, or track only specific listings.


Starting from $9 to $69 per month.

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