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NEW: Switching service

Sell over 10 items per week and would like to move to streetshirts? We can update your products free of charge. Contact us for more information.

Outsource your printing to streetshirts

100% White Label - Your orders are dispatched directly to your customers in plain packaging so they don't know we are involved.

State of the art print quality - We only use direct-to-garment printing machines from the most premium brand, designed for demanding industrial use. Your products will be high-street quality.

Discounted - We offer a 27.5% discount initially, rising to 35% for very large volumes. This means shirts from £5.41 + VAT including printing.

Fast Delivery In The UK - We have large stocks of blank garments, so the vast majority of your orders will be in the post the same day we receive them. This fast service will translate directly into increased sales for your brand.

Print On Demand - We only print once you've sold the item, so no large orders or keeping stock.

UK Based - We print every order from our base in Lincolnshire, so no hassle with import duty, international postage or slow shipping to your customers.

Post Pay - We will invoice you each week for items sent, with payment due 7 days later. Please note, we reserve the right to ask for a repayment on account.


Starting from $0 per month.

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Sourcing and selling products

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TS Foundry Ltd t/a Streetshirts

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