Stock Value

Stock Value

Shopify app

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About Stock Value

Stock Value by MYW was built to fulfil a simple need, a way to see the cost value of stock held within a store.

Many countries require reports of the cost value of stock held within a company. with Stock Value by MYW this now becomes an automated process.

Simply enter your cost price for each product when setting up the app, and Stock Value by MYW will continually monitor and update your Total Cost Value, available to you at any time.

Stock Value by MYW is now helping many stores automate the process of calculating their Total Cost Value.

Please Note: Stock Value does NOT calculate COGS ( cost of goods sold ), Stock Value takes the cost price of a product and multiplies it by the quantity of that item in stock, giving you the total cost value of a product.


We firmly believe no app is even truly finished, there are always new features we can be adding. Because of this, we run a feedback & suggestions programme. If there is a feature you feel our app is missing, let us know!

Our apps are shaped by our users, and many of our features are ones that have been suggested by users, so please let us know!


We are proud to offer free support with all our app. If you have any questions, issues, feedback or just want to say hello, we are available.


Starting from $3 per month.

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