

Shopify app

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App Details

Add to Cart Button & Checkout Bar

Trusted by 2500+ small & large businesses to make sure no customer ever misses the CTA button, in turn, increasing conversion rates

Why use Stickify?

  • It makes the shopping experience easy for customers and is visible at all times on the product description page
  • It makes the checkout process faster by skipping the cart page and redirecting the customers directly to the checkout page
  • It allows customers to quickly select variant & quantity from the variant & quantity dropdowns

Top reasons for using Stickify:

  1. Boost Sales
  2. Incredible Shopping Experience
  3. Simple and Quick Setup
  4. Works on both, Mobile & Desktop
  5. Quick Email Support
  6. Advanced Analytics & Data

Simple and powerful plugin to boost your sales

  • With Sticky add to cart bar, you needn’t worry about your customers missing out on the native CTA button. Stickify can be positioned anywhere between 0-50% scroll at the top or bottom of the page.
  • You can run A/B testing using the data we push to your Google Analytics to check which position or behavior your audience interacts best with.

Setup basic Stickify in just 3 easy steps

  • We provide a 3-step onboarding process which makes it extremely easy for you to get started with the sticky add to cart bar.
  • You can simply pick a theme from our templates, pick a position and choose what you want the sticky bar to do or customize each component from the dashboard.
  • If you want any customization that isn’t available, just ping us and we’ll get it done for you.

Analyse and track events

  • Enable Facebook Pixel to retarget ads to the right people and track its effectiveness.
  • Enable Google Analytics to push events to your GA, track clicks and the revenue generated from the sticky add to cart bar.
  • We provide a weekly update on the number of clicks on the sticky add to cart bar and the revenue it influenced in your store currency via email.

Ok, but what if I need support?

The engineers who built the app and founders are available to sort out any issues you may have. Reach out to us on the mail given below and we’ll be happy to help. :)


Sticky add to cart bar does not change your store theme. Your store will get back to how it was before you installed Stickify.

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