Smarter E‑commerce

Smarter E‑commerce

Shopify app

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App Details

We help you generate additional profit by serving third-party offers from well-known brands to your customers after they’ve made a purchase.

With Rokt, you harness the power of enterprise technology already employed by leading e-commerce companies such as Ticketmaster, GoDaddy, and Groupon. What makes our solution so powerful?

A crucial moment for customer engagement

Leverage the captive audience on your confirmation page to drive clicks and revenue. With wallets out and trust established, customers are 7x more likely to engage with offers.

Relevance and personalization for each customer

Use data science and machine learning algorithms to ensure that the right offer is presented to every individual. Our tailored approach maximizes engagement and value for all.

A seamless experience for your site’s visitors

Display all offers in a native overlay that blends into your confirmation page. With an intuitive user interface that matches your store theme, it’s easy to delight your customers.

Exclusive offers from brands your customers trust

Access to our vetted marketplace is limited to top brands such as Visa, Salesforce, HelloFresh, Square, Yelp, Dashlane, and Express. On top of that, you have the option to enable or disable offers from specific industry verticals and brands.

Free to use, easy to set up, and even easier to get paid

Go live within minutes and start generating revenue now! We share all proceeds and payments take place on a monthly basis via PayPal.


Starting from $0 per month.

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By Common Ninja

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Common Ninja Search Engine

The Common Ninja Search Engine platform helps website builders find the best site widgets, apps, plugins, tools, add-ons, and extensions! Compatible with all major website building platforms - big or small - and updated regularly, our Search Engine tool provides you with the business tools your site needs!

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