Mobile Smart App Banner

Mobile Smart App Banner

Shopify app

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App Details

This app will inform those visitors who use mobile devices that you have iOS / Android mobile applications for Shopify and allow them to get your app in one click.

What is Smart App Banner?

Mobile app banner was first introduced for Safari users but in rapidly growing mobile traffic every Store with mobile application needs to inform members about mobile apps availability.

How does it help me to grow my business?

Smart App Banner helps to grow your mobile app's installs. With more installations you can promote your products to larger audience thus sell more!

How does it work?

Our app detects if mobile visitor uses iOS or Android device and shows them corresponding app information. By clicking the banner a visitor will be redirected to Apple App Store / Google Play Store to install your mobile app.

Why users like smart app banners?

Smart App Banners vastly improve users' browsing experience compared to other promotional methods. As banners are implemented in iOS 6, they provide a consistent look and feel across the web that users will come to recognise. Users trust that tapping the banner will take them to the App Store for mobile app installation and not a third-party advertisement. They will appreciate that banners are presented unobtrusively at the top of a webpage, instead of as a full-screen ad interrupting the web content. And with a large and prominent close button, a banner is easy for users to dismiss. When the user returns to the webpage, the banner won't reappear.

Which mobile apps are supported?

  • Probal Apps
  • Tapcart
  • Mobile App Builder
  • MageNative Mobile App
  • Mobile App Creator - AppIt
  • Apptuse
  • MobiApp - Mobile App Builder
  • AppNotch - Easy Web to App
  • Bizeazy
  • Mobixlan
  • Droible - Mobile App
  • Webplanex Native App Builder
  • JCurve
  • Drobile

What can be customized in my mobile app?

You can customize:

  • mobile app's name;
  • app's description;
  • enter icon URL;
  • pricing (free / paid);
  • install link's text;
  • installation URL for iOS and Android;
  • banner position (top / bottom);
  • custom URL scheme;

Does Smart App Banner support RTL websites?

Yes, we have added right to left appearance support to our app.

I'm testing the demo but can't see the banner

Make sure to use your mobile device for demo – banner won't show for desktop users.

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