Coming Soon Page

Coming Soon Page

Shopify app

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App Details

When you are in the process of revamping your current website or waiting for a new one, you require a coming soon page. Coming Soon Page is an easy way to keep your audience intrigued in the brand. Thus they keep on thinking about what you are going to put on the table next.

It gives you enough time to work with the webpage and also keeps your clients loyal at the same time!

Therefore, the Coming Soon Page App offers the perfect solution to create a gorgeous page without having to put in much effort.

Why Coming Soon Page?

Putting on a simple yet attractive under construction page is the perfect opportunity for you to display the most important thing on the webpage; your LOGO. A simple page will draw all the attention towards the logo, which will keep the users hooked till the last second of the countdown.

If you want to let people know about your business’s launch, a Coming Soon Page is an incredible idea. You can share a link to your web-store with your clients in order to inform them about the launch.

Benefits, Features, and Other Options

  • A cross-browser compatible layout
  • Various text customization options
  • Ability to choose your own backdrop
  • Option to add in your logo
  • Social Network Connectivity buttons
  • Best SEO practices
  • Real-time count down timer
  • Sign-up option for subscribers
  • Fast customer and technical support
  • Pro Plan allows you to display under construction page on the main URL

How does it work with Shopify?

The answer is fairly simple the Coming Soon App will add a Landing Page on your Shopify store. Therefore, anyone who is not logged on to your store will be able to see it. Everyone else from your development team would be able to access the under construction website to make changes.

Getting Started

The installation process is very straightforward. Log on to the admin area of the Shopify Store and tap on our app icon. In the app settings, you will find an Activation box, check it, and click on save changes.

Important note: Disable all other similar applications to activate the Coming Soon App. Also, deactivate the application once you are ready to launch or re-launch!

How do I deactivate the Application?

Follow the same steps as above, just un-check the “Activation” button, and save the changes!

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