Is your shipping costing you revenue and lost sales? This free tool is designed to help you evaluate your supply chain, with powerful product tracking information and point-and-click control.
ShipScore is an easy-to-use data visualization tool and dashboard that gives you at-a-glance oversight for all of your ongoing orders across carriers and regions, so you can track their progress from ordered to delivered.
With flexible and multi-select filtering options, ShipScore makes it easy to visualize important insights relating to your order fulfillment capabilities, and share vital statistics with your employees and customers.
The clickable shipping map allows you to select and filter recent orders by the destination state.
Filter and display your orders by specific carrier(s) and shipping method(s).
Filter your tracked orders by specific order date or range of dates.
Starting from $0 per month.
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Loyalty apps for Shopify
Common Ninja Apps
Browse our extensive collection of compatible apps, and easily embed them on any website, blog, online store, e-commerce platform, or site builder.
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