We have provided this tool free of charge to increase the searchability of your products across the web and hope that through our contribution you are able to grow and expand your business.
In comparison to other products out there, we do not modify your template. This means that if you remove this application, we will remove any traces of it. Equally, you won't need to re-install this application every time you update your template.
JSON-LD is a lightweight 'Linked Data' format. It is a way encode your website data to be easier to understand for all of the other machines on the Internet - including search engines like Google!
Google looks for JSON-LD, and rewards websites and webshops that serve JSON-LD data. Many of Google’s search results page features (including rich snippets and Knowledge Graph cards) are enabled by JSON-LD mark-up. Their 'Shopping' search results tab is also powered by JSON-LD. Making sure that your site serves this type of data can be very helpful in your search engine rankings!
Currently we support specialized JSON-LD data on the following pages:
Many templates include metadata as part of their tag structure. For example you may see something like this: itemtype="http://schema.org/Product" in your HTML. The tool will pick up this data as well as the JSON-LD data that we inject into your shop.
As we are already using this application in all our stores as part of a larger, comprehensive SEO package for Shopify, it was not difficult to split it out and make it available for free to all Shopify users. If you are interested in being notified upon the release of our more comprehensive SEO app for Shopify, please contact us through our support email.
We inject JSON-LD data into your shop using Javascript. Other solutions we have seen modify your template directly. While this is also a solution Shopify prefers our approach according to the documentation.
We hope not! If you are having problems with your set-up or ideas for improvement, please contact us through our support email.
Starting from $0 per month.
36 reviews
Developed By
Verge Studios
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Common Ninja Apps
Browse our extensive collection of compatible apps, and easily embed them on any website, blog, online store, e-commerce platform, or site builder.
Create Custom Product Order Forms Easily
Track scrolling with a customizable progress bar or indicator
Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired With the Skill Flip Cards App
Draw Attention to CTAs & Increase Conversions
Enhance Customer Experience With the Company Branch Flip Cards Widget
Showcase Dynamic RSS Feeds in a Stylish Carousel
Maximize Video Impact by Keeping Content Always in View
Create Beautiful Tumblr Feeds & Improve User Experience
Improve visibility & Increase attendance with the Events List Widget
Create Stunning WordPress Feeds & Improve User Experience
Gather Signatures and Create a Change Effortlessly
Captivate Users With Interactive Before & After Images
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The Common Ninja Search Engine platform helps website builders find the best site widgets, apps, plugins, tools, add-ons, and extensions! Compatible with all major website building platforms - big or small - and updated regularly, our Search Engine tool provides you with the business tools your site needs!