Routific helps small businesses manage delivery routes faster than ever before. Use Routific to plan optimized routes in minutes and maximize the capacity of your fleet.
Routific for Shopify is the official, Routific-built, Shopify integration. The integration works with all plans of Routific.
Here is what to expect:
Connect Routific and Shopify to push new orders from your Shopify store into Routific. This sync pre-populates your Routific account with stops that you can use to build new delivery routes.
Routific then optimizes your routes based on real-world factors like time windows, vehicle capacities, delivery types, driver speeds, driver shift times, driver breaks, and more.
Trusted by hundreds of businesses around the world, our route optimization algorithm has been in development for more than a decade.
Whether your delivery fleet has 1 vehicle or 25 vehicles, Routific will help you plan your routes in minutes. Our customers range from furniture delivery, florists, and meal prep companies to wholesalers and grocery chains.
Routific is perfect for growing delivery businesses looking to be more efficient and less wasteful.
Starting from $39 to $78 per month.
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