Return Magic

Return Magic

Shopify app

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Top-rated return solution. Takes the pain out of returns for both merchants and shoppers.

Why Return Magic?

  • Create your branded return portal. Customize colors, text and CSS.
  • Provide a choice between refunds on the original payment method, gift card refunds and exchanges for ultimate convenience.
  • Increase gift card refunds and improve your cash flow.
  • Translate in your local language / support multi-language (beta).
  • Create smart rules to protect profit.
  • Get actionable insights with advanced analytics (beta).

How does Return Magic work?

Return Magic integrates with your Shopify or Shopify Plus store to create a seamless return experience for your customers. Using Return Magic, you will be able to easily refund your clients on their original payment method (including Amazon Payments, Shopify Payments, etc.), process exchanges or issue new gift card refunds. But don't worry: Return Magic doesn't automatically refund your customers, you always need to approve any transaction!

How does Return Magic impact the look of your store?

Return Magic creates a return portal on your store that sits on your own domain. The return portal is automatically branded to your store and integrates seamlessly. The app does not affect the performance of your store in any way.

How do I get started with Return Magic?

Our promise? In under 10 minutes, you will be able to set up a magic return experience for your customers. Merchants save a lot of time by simplifying and automating the return process.


Starting from $10 per month.

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