Choose to only display recommended products AFTER the user has submitted their email address
Option to receive a copy of the email sent to your email address so you'll see what products have been recommended and you'll be able to follow up with the customer
The email now shows your store name as the sender, greatly reducing the chances it will be missed by the customer
You can now set email subject, thank you message, etc.
Emails are now personalized with the customer's name
Customers can now sort by price or alphabetically
Pixabay has over 1.7 million high quality stock images that you can use to build your quiz. We've even added a new image editor that will allow you to scale, crop, rotate, and add Instagram-style image filters to your photos.
We know you'll love the new Pixabay integration, so we also added three new ways to use images within the quiz. In addition to being able to set the background images for questions and answers, you can now add images above or below the questions or below the answers.
Pop Quiz now allows you to collect customer emails! You have the choice to show just the email signup form, just the recommended products, or both. If the customer signs up, they'll receive an email with their recommended products, along with direct links to the product details pages.
Pop Quiz is fully integrated with your Shopify store, so setting up your product recommendations is fast and easy. It's easy to use but it's also packed with powerful features that allow you to create quizzes that are simple or very complex.
Whether you start with one of our templates or from scratch, Pop Quiz makes it easy to customize the styling and layout of your quiz. More advanced users can even input their own custom CSS code for complete styling control!
Selecting your recommended products couldn't be easier. Using Tags is incredibly powerful because our system combines all the customer's answers into a chain of tags that filter down the list of products automatically.
Ask the customer different questions based on their previous answers. You can even direct them to other quizzes or web pages based on their answers.
Just copy and paste a short embed code into your page wherever you want it to appear
Starting from $19.99 to $29.99 per month.
4 reviews
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Common Ninja Apps
Browse our extensive collection of compatible apps, and easily embed them on any website, blog, online store, e-commerce platform, or site builder.
Enhance Customer Experience With the Company Branch Flip Cards Widget
Showcase User Trust With Customizable Social Proof Avatars
Maximize Video Impact by Keeping Content Always in View
Draw Attention to CTAs & Increase Conversions
Showcase Bluesky Posts in a Dynamic and Engaging Slider
Streamline Learning: Interactive, Customizable Definitions for Your Site
Increase conversions with a Restaurant Menu List
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Add Testimonials To Improve Credibility & Conversions
Increase Trust & Improve Credibility To Drive Sales Up
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