Magic Add To Cart Discount

Magic Add To Cart Discount

Shopify app

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App Details

Why You Need Magic Add To Cart Discount App:

Generate more sales for your stores!

Magic Add To Cart Discount is a user-friendly discount app that allows you to create your discount banners, provide exciting deals, and grow your overall sales. Easily promote special offers and discounts on your stores. You can promote unique products and set up for holidays, events, and just for fun!

How It Works:

Catch the attention of your customers and grab more sales by providing discount bars in your stores!

When you download Magic Add To Cart Discount, you will be provided with instant data on your Discount Performance on the front page. Easily see how many users have clicked on your discount bar and which product performs well.

You have the options to toggle with your Theme Settings and Discount Settings from the home page as well!

Theme Setting:

  1. Bar Design: You can create your own bars and have it match with your current website theme. Choose what you want your discount bar to say and have the option to alter the banner color and font color.
  2. Bar Position: Pick whether you want your bar displayed on the top or bottom of your webpage.
  3. Choose What To Display: Have the option to remove certain aspects of your discount bar. If you feel like your bar is too cluttered or it just doesn't fit your theme, you can remove text, codes, and timestamps.

Discount Setting:

In the Discount Settings, you will have the option to choose your discount values. Choose between offering a Percentage OFF, Free Shipping, Fixed Amounts, or a Buy X Get Y discount. Choose how long you want the discount bar to appear on your webpage. You can either set a temporary timer or a permanent timer.

Once you set your discount and timer, be aware that your customer must use the code within that time frame. If they run out of time, the banner will disappear! The banner will only be displayed once per day per customer.

Magic Add To Cart Discount is compatible with smartphones, tablets, and computers!

Install lit today to test it out.

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