Leaflet is the price A/B testing platform that helps you test alternate prices.
All you have to do is:
You are now ready to launch a price test!
Leaflet is thoughtfully designed to make price testing easy on any size catalog.
The best part is that Leaflet doesn't require any investment up front - you only pay for successful tests!
IS IT SAFE TO TEST PRICES? It can be scary changing the price of product, without knowing what it will do to your sales. That is precisely why we built Leaflet so you can test the prices and know what works. Quickly and easily. If you still cannot get over the fear of changing your price, think about the prospect of greater revenue and profits. Marginal changes in price rarely affect conversion rates but often have a substantial impact on the profits you take home.
WHAT PRODUCTS SHOULD I RUN TESTS ON? Pick a product that has steady visitors and sales. This is where you can quickly unlock hidden revenue. If you are too early in product or store growth story, the data will be noisy and you might not be able to get a quick and clear answer.
HOW WILL I KNOW WHICH PRICE IS DOING BETTER? Simple: We'll point it out. We present a simple number - revenue / 100 visitors - to compare between the two prices. You also need sufficient data before concluding that a price is definitely better. We do this math for you as well, and tell you when a test has a conclusive winner for you.
We are a small and engaged team, here to help you manage your price to maximize your revenue and profits. Write to us at [email protected]!
Starting from $0 per month.
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