Json import

Json import

Shopify app

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This app will import products if you have them in json format in external file (link)

You can import products or products with variants.

Import 'title', 'body_html', 'product_type', 'tags', 'vendor', 'option', 'variant_title', 'variant_sku', 'variant_barcode', 'variant_weight', 'variant_price', 'variant_compare_at_price', 'variant_quantity'

Import collections and images


  • Import from Drop Ship supplier
  • Link json file to module
  • Easy assign fields from json file to shopify product data
  • You can modify data from external source or set fixed data
  • Test upload before real process,
  • Upload all products or set limit
  • If products exists it will update them
  • If they are collections in json file that not exists in your store it will create them
  • Cron job for update and import new products


*If your source file is password protected fell free to write i will make modification for free

*If you don't have link, but you have file, i can make to work with file upload


General tab 1. Add link to json file in General tab and press Get Fields button

  1. After fields are loaded you can map them

  2. You must set unique field, this is field that is unique for each product or variant

  3. If product have variants than you must set product unique id

  4. Other fields are optional

  5. You can map 'title', 'body_html', 'product_type', 'tags', 'vendor', 'option', 'variant_title', 'variant_sku', 'variant_barcode', 'variant_weight', 'variant_price', 'variant_compare_at_price', 'variant_quantity'

  6. You have Extra fields which are for use in Modification tab.

Modification tab.

  1. Here you can modify original input.

  2. For example if you want to add prefix to sku value use PREFIX_[[sku]] If original sku was 12345, now will become PREFIX_12345

  3. You can put fixed values for fields that are not assigned

for example you can set 100 for variant_quantity. And all imported products will have quantity 100.

  1. For price and quantity you can use and math operations * - + / ,

example: If you have original price 200 and you have in price modification field [[price]] * 1.2 than this product will have price 240


Starting from $7 to $28 per month.

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