The IEX app connects your Shopify shop and e-conomic automatically transferring orders, products and customers from your shop to your accounting program. So you no longer have to do more boring typing in e-conomic and can focus on running your business.
Data is sent from your shop to e-conomic in real-time, that means you can keep track of your revenue throughout the day when orders appear in e-conomic shortly after they have been made in your shop.
The IEX dashboard allows you to easily control and configure the app. Here you can decide when orders are transferred to e-conomic according to financial state and follow statistics and logs. With the app it is possible to set up storage synchronization so your inventory in e-conomic is automatically sent to your Shopify shop.
At IEX we are always happy to answer any questions about the app.
Starting from $25 to $104 per month.
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