We offer a free tool to help with your visitor's shopping experience - instantly create a can't miss shopping cart with an animated notification icon. Once a customer add items to their shopping cart - then our app will automatically animate with a blinking action. This makes it hard to miss while being non-intrusive during the shopping funnel. Works perfectly on desktop and mobile - responsive for all devices.
Your store, like all of us business owners, is our precious baby cared for since day one, with that said we made sure the GO CART app seamlessly integrates into your Shopify store. Come and experience a "natively made" feeling with no slow or dragging load speed.
No coding required, simply click the "Get" button and you are all set. Just sit back and kick up your feet while you breeze through the set up.
Out of the box we created a beautiful layout for your shop, but feel free to customize the look and feel of the animation. Lots of features can be adjusted to your preference, such as animation speed, color pallet and width dimension.
Get the feeling of first class service with our great support team! Ask us anything, we won't bite - we welcome all questions, ideas, complaints or even a pat on the back!
We are currently working on new features and expanding our integration list! Don't hesitate to let us know your current app list as we are looking to make sure everyone is covered! We specialize in app creation and coding, let us know if we are missing something and we will get it done.
Starting from $0 per month.
1 reviews
Developed By
The Scorpio Lab
Quick & Easy
Common Ninja has a large selection of powerful Shopify apps that are easy to use, fully customizable, mobile-friendly and rich with features — so be sure to check them out!
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Common Ninja Apps
Browse our extensive collection of compatible apps, and easily embed them on any website, blog, online store, e-commerce platform, or site builder.
Showcase User Trust With Customizable Social Proof Avatars
Empower Your Website with Accurate and Custom Search
Boost focus and productivity with a Pomodoro timer
Increase Interaction with Attractive and Engaging Video Polls
Enhance Global Shopping Experience with Currency Converter
Easily Gather and Organize Event RSVPs and Registrations
Use WhatsApp Chat To Communicate, Support & Improve User Experience
Bring Focus to Team Members in a Creative Way To Increase Trust
Establish Credibility With a Logo Slider of Clients and Partners
Create Stunning Twitch Feeds & Improve User Experience
Raise Awareness, Simplify Donations, and Make a Difference
Add Beautiful Images, Engage Users & Save Space
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