FraudHooks Unlimited

FraudHooks Unlimited

Shopify app

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Take advantage of the power of webhooks and the cloud

FraudHooks uses a feature of Shopify called webhooks. These are small packets of data that get sent in response to resources like orders being created and updated. FraudHooks intercepts these "hooks" in the Amazon cloud and processes them in near-realtime. FraudHooks is also using a brand new integration feature called AWS EventBridge. What this means is that you get to enjoy the scale of Amazon provided by these features. This allows FraudHooks to very easily process unlimited orders for a low monthly price.*

Free yourself to worry about business, not fraud

Shopify already uses a machine learning algorithm to determine what orders are fraudulent. You'll be notified of these orders in the admin and the order details page, but will still need to sift through these orders and cancel them yourself. FraudHooks allows you to cancel these orders automatically based on whether they are either High or Medium risk. You can choose the level and whether you want to be notified as well as the customer.

See what fraud looks like

FraudHooks also lets you simulate a fraudulent order by choosing the action within an order details page. See screenshot 4 for an example. This is helpful if you'd like to just see how the app is working, or if you'd like to simulate fraud to determine if other apps are working as well. FraudHooks will work in conjunction with other apps, even if they cancel orders as well. You can set FraudHooks to "warn" in the settings and allow another app to do the cancelling. This way, you might use FraudHooks to help verify your store setup with other apps and logic. Either way, FraudHooks will do it all for you, including the actual cancelling of fraudulent orders.

Get a quick summary of the latest activity

FraudHooks will show you what "hooks" have been processed in the cloud last. This is helpful to ensure that the app is truly working. It can be frustrating to install an app and have to hope that it's doing what it's supposed to be doing. With this small but powerful bit of information, you can verify that the latest webhook has gone through FraudHooks processing in the cloud. This status shows even for orders that are not fraudulent, as they pass through the cloud verification process.


Starting from $0 per month.

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Composed Cloud Solutions, LLC

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