eMAG is a top e-commerce retailer in Eastern Europe. Our Marketplace model handles more than 10k sellers publishing and selling products in our Marketplace and is growing super fast. To use this app, shops must be previously approved by eMAG. This app can only be used to sell in countries where eMAG operates, which are: Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Poland.
The eMAG Marketplace connector helps you integrate your Shopify store with the eMAG Marketplace vendor platform.
You can automatically send product documentation (titles, descriptions, images, etc.), product price info, product stock info, new products and any updates for previously sent products to the eMAG Marketplace platform. You will also be able to receive orders from the eMAG Marketplace platform and import them into your Shopify store.
This app will not affect how your store will look like.
Please visit the Shopify App Store, search for “eMAG Marketplace connector” and install the plugin. Also, make sure you have ready the API URL, the username and password provided by eMAG representatives.
Starting from $0 per month.
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