Need additional data from your customers? Look no further.
Customer Information Plus is trusted by 400+ store around the world to collect, manage, and improve store experience through customer information.
Our current features include:
Create unlimited (yes unlimited) fields for customer registration from a wide variety of types. Freedom to insert and remove these extra fields whenever you want.
Edit or delete information collected from your users.
Allow customers to view and edit their customer information directly from your website on their account page.
For existing customers created before your new registration form, you can still collect these fields from their account page.
Set customer tags depending on their responses on registration and account forms.
View each customer's information directly in Shopify under the notes section of their customer account.
Export customer data to CSV so you can easily analyze and gain insights on your customers.
Install your new registration and customer account forms with the click of two buttons, after you have specified your desired new fields.
We work tirelessly and will try to respond to all inquires within the same day. Additionally, we openly take new feature requests and pride ourselves on quick turnaround and implementation: we work to make you happy!
Code snippet generation for registration and account forms, so you can do manual installations if you want.
Fully customizable forms as we provide barebones HTML, CSS, and javascript code, do with it what you want.
Retrieve a customer's information during a customer session and use it to change things on your website (such as redirecting to different product pages or displaying certain information tailored towards a specific group of customers).
Starting from $0 to $20 per month.
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Common Ninja has a large selection of powerful Shopify apps that are easy to use, fully customizable, mobile-friendly and rich with features — so be sure to check them out!
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Loyalty apps for Shopify
Common Ninja Apps
Browse our extensive collection of compatible apps, and easily embed them on any website, blog, online store, e-commerce platform, or site builder.
Increase Trust & Improve Credibility To Drive Sales Up
Captivate visitors with stunning animated titles effortlessly
Increase User Engagement & Capture Leads
Increase Trust & Improve Credibility To Drive Sales Up. The service is not endorsed, sponsored, or provided by Amazon.
Create, customize, and integrate consent forms effortlessly and swiftly
Revolutionize form creation effortlessly
Explore New Dimensions with Interactive 360 Panoramic Tours
Create Engaging, Customizable Popups with Ease and Style
Gather Signatures and Create a Change Effortlessly
Draw Attention to Important Information & Keep Users Up-to-Date
Raise Awareness, Simplify Donations, and Make a Difference
Dynamic pricing displays for enhanced user interactions
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