Merchant Mail helps you save time on customer interactions by allowing you to manage your business within Gmail.
We show the relevant Shopify order and customer information within Gmail alongside the email from a customer. This lets you respond to the most common customer requests in just a few clicks.
When you're reading email from a customer, we automatically identify the Shopify customer and order being discussed. You no longer have to look up the customer or order in Shopify. All the information you need is presented within Gmail, with no extra effort. This cuts down on guesswork and saves time.
You can also perform the most common order management operations. From capturing payments to canceling orders. You'll find yourself using the Shopify admin less frequently because all your customer interactions can be handled entirely within Gmail. With Merchant Mail, you can delight your customers by responding in record time.
Customer management
Order management
Payment management
Fulfillment management
Works with both the consumer version of Gmail and Google's G Suite for Business.
What will you do with all the time you save?
Get started by clicking the "Get" button above.
Works on Gmail for Desktop and Gmail for Android. Gmail for iOS support coming soon.
Previously known as "Conversant Commerce".
Starting from $0 to $15 per month.
11 reviews
Developed By
Merchant Buddy
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