Bulk Title & Tag Editor

Bulk Title & Tag Editor

Shopify app

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App Details

Bulk Title and Tag Editor is a high-rate application that helps you save time on editing titles or tags for a large number of products, taking into account their options, stock volumes, or specific features.

Last app update: 8 April 2021

The most convenient and intuitive interface of the application lets you quickly filter out the necessary products by 36 conditions, check the products on the downloadable list and change the titles or tags even for individual product options.

For example, you can select products with a specific tag and change the title or tag only for items which shelf stock is below a certain value.

You will be able to:

  • Edit product title or tags for any goods in the list (all products, specific category, tags, SKUs, search results, etc.)

  • Filter your stock and create custom lists of products selected for the further change of title or tags by using variables such as collection, product type, vendor, tags, title, specific word in the title, keywords, time of creation, etc.

  • Select specific products from general stock by several conditions

  • Preview the product before editing

  • Set specific titles or tags


Starting from $2.99 per month.

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