You spend time and money to get customers, they are very happy with your products but never come back!
Keeping customers loyal in 2019 is tough, especially when it comes to online shopping. There are so many distractions, competition is aggressive, and customers eventually forget about you.
The good news is solutions exist. Liana is a loyalty program app . that creates bonds between you and your customers by:
Create a loyalty program to reward your customers to increase your revenue and profitability. Customers get rewarded with loyalty points that entitle them to a discount in your shop.
Reward customers who create a shop account to capture more emails.
Customers know that the more they buy the more you are grateful, so they are happy to keep buying and therefore your customer loyalty increases.
Reward customers who spend over a certain amount, automatically get your customers to spend more.
For example, give extra rewards to customers who purchase twice or more in the same trimester and increase loyalty.
Liana sends customized notifications to your customers about their rewards points balance so they don’t forget to come back and spend their credit.
Create urgency among your members of your loyalty program with limited time promotions such as double and triple loyalty points campaigns.
Starting from $0 to $49 per month.
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Common Ninja Apps
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