

Shopify app

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  1. You have more conversion and engagement with customers, even if you cannot agree to a trade offer you can talk to them. One of the most important aspects of business is to talk to your customers and build a relationship with them.
  2. Solve your business needs, say what you are looking for, and trade your product/service with somebody who has your needs. Example: Influencer, Marketing, SEO expert etc.
  3. Trade button matches your store template and is on the add product page.
  4. Barter/Trade community and we help you grow your business, you can email us to showcase your business and say that you as a business are open to trade offers and we will share it on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, pinterest, tumblr, twitter etc.
  5. Lead generation. Every offer made on your site requires the customer to enter their email.
  6. You can trade away products which are not selling well and still get back something.

Why baartr

Business owners as well as customers have both the same need, saving cash! How can you get your business needs? How can the online customer get your product? The answer is trading/ bartering. Both can get creative and interact with each other.The online customer will come to your site and see they have a trade option button on the product page, and they will communicate that with their friends so you get more customers. They will send you a trade offer you can agree on, or make a counter offer but even if you don't agree on a trade, the online customer will get to know your product/service and might eventually buy it! Remember if you agree on a trade, both parties are happy and the happier they are the more they will talk about your online store.

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