Checkout Boost

Checkout Boost

Weebly app

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App Details

  • Boost conversion rate by 25%+ & Generate referral traffic by social network sharing
  • Create urgency with Countdown Timer offers to prompt customers to make purchase instantly
  • Prevent cart abandonment rate of 68% with Exit-intent offers
  • X3 average order value with Sales Gamification
  • Create BOGO offers that actually convert
  • Upsell post-checkout to motivate more purchases and win loyal customers
All in just 1 App - Checkout Boost by Beeketing ______________________________________________________________________

Features that make real impacts on your sales

#1 Free gift / Free shipping / Discount offers to promote social network sharing

    Show an offer popup after customers add items to cart on product pages or review orders on cart page, asking them to share their cart on Facebook or Twitter in order to receive a free gift / free shipping / discount code. Generate referral traffic from social network sharing created by your customers. No more Facebook ads pain. With Checkout Boost, the more offers you send to customers, the more shares you get, and the more social traffic you win.

#2 Countdown Timer offers to create urgency

    Online shoppers are prompted to making instant purchase because they are pressed for time. That’s why Amazon runs flash sales or time-limited deals and makes bunch of profit from that. You can do the same with Checkout Boost: create Countdown Timer offers that urge customers to get your special flash offers right away before time runs out. A nice countdown timer will show on the popup and minimized icon on the website corner to remind customers that clock is ticking!

#3 Exit-intent offers to prevent cart abandonment

    e-Commerce industry sees an overall a cart abandonment rate of 68%. Ignore this fact? You’re leaving a lot of potential sales on the table. Create Exit Intent offers with Checkout Boost to detect leaving customers, catch their attention on your sweet offers, and convert them back into sales.

#4 Sales Gamification to increase average order value

    Wanna create a little fun for your customers when they shop with you, while increase even more sales at the same time? Apply gamification rules to your offers with Checkout Boost. This feature allows you to show offers only to customers whose order value reaches a goal amount. A heading bar will show up to encourage customers to spend a little more in order to receive a sweet offer. It’s a win-win offer that both you and your customers will definitely love!

#5 BOGO offers that actually convert

    If you want to create Buy-1-Get-1 promotions, Checkout Boost app helps you run such BOGO popups on as many products as you want. You can also ask customers to share their cart on social media to receive your BOGO offers.

#6 Post-checkout Upsell Recommendations to motivate more purchases

    It’s 5 times easier to sell more to current buyers than to new customers. How can you do that with Checkout Boost’s Post-checkout offers? After customers complete an order, a popup comes out to reward them a special discount if they share cart to social media, then upsell more items they might be interested in based on order they just made. Now that customers receive an awesome offer from you, they will come back to redeem their discount, make more purchase, and become your loyal fan forever!

7000+ Shopify stores trust Checkout Boost

  • A top-notch sales app that unleashes the golden potential from social media for your store
  • UI-UX is optimized to the best both for you and your customers
  • Beautifully responsive on both desktop and mobile devices to ensure you can never lost any potential sales
  • 20+ Themes to bring an active, unique and modern look to your store
  • Detailed report on full conversion funnel of each offer so you can optimize them for better sales
  • Extremely easy to use, no coding skills required, all is prepared for you so you can create offers in less than 1 minute, even tweet messages for your customers to share!
  • 24/24 Super fast customer support via hotline and email to make sure the app works perfectly on your store!
  • Checkout Boost - your social buddy to boost sales to the max!


    • Boost Sales: Sell in bundles with upsell & cross-sell offers in just 1 app!
    • Mailbot: The top-notch email marketing app for Weebly store owners. Turn more visitors into revenue by personalized automated emails.
    • Smart Recommender: Boosts your sales by automatically recommending the right products that your customers want to buy!


Starting from $27 to $47 per month.

Check Out the Contact Form Widget

By Common Ninja

Contact FormTry For Free!

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checkout boost



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